Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Digipack Research: Digipacks

Before we could start creating our own digipack to accompany the music video we had to look at some existing ones to find any conventions we would have to follow. The three I chose to look at were;
  1. Radio 1 Live Lounge Volume 2
  2. The Hoosiers
  3. Razorlight
  4. Take That

Radio 1 Live Lounge

This album cover is effective because;
  • It's bright and catches the eye easily. Only three main colours are used, blue, red and white. The text stands out well because it's been put on a background which makes it clear
  • The images in the middle all relate to what kind of music is on the album, along with the names of the bands on it spread around these which is quite an interesting idea but wouldn't be able to be done on our own album case as ours are all by the same band
  • I like the layout of the cover as the main information, the name of the album is easy to see, whilst the rest of it fills up the space well
The Hoosiers

This album cover is effective because;
  • It uses bright colours (is also available in other colours) which stand out
  • Other than the border, it isn't too complex and looks very appealing and is likely to catch someone's eye
  • Only two colours are used, white and a few shades of blue which help to keep it simple but by using the different shades of blue it is also made more visually appealing. I think using other colours with what we currently see would have spoilt it
  • The text is very simple, only displaying the band name and name of the album which is all that is needed on the front


This album cover is effective because;
  • It's very, very simple but serves it's purpose well
  • It shows members of the band, of which could allow people to recognise them more frequently than if they just listened to the band, rather than watch them
  • The colours are very basic but stand out very well on the background used and is all in black and white which makes it even simpler but overall more appealing. If the band members were to be in colour, they wouldn't fit in with the white background and black text as well as they do
Take That

This album cover is effective because;
  • It all fits together well, despite the actual focus of the cover being quite unique and odd
  • Having the band members all taking the same position lets you know that they're together as a group but doesn't appeal to me personally
  • It's quite bright and if seen on a shelf in a shop would stand out quite well
  • The white text fits in well with the background because of the white clouds further down, the highest member of the band also appears to be pointing towards the band name which directs the eye straight to it

Ideas we can use in our own digipack
  • Use quite basic, simple colours and not too many of them
  • Keep it relatively simple, nothing all over the place as this will spoil the overall effect
  • Some covers include the band members, others have other, (un)related images
  • Text should be kept to a minimum as people won't want to read lots of writing on it
  • Any text used should also stand out well on the background it's put upon
  • The album should jump out at people as they look at them in shops

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