Saturday 3 October 2009

Video Planning: Cast

Once we had the locations sorted, the next part was to find who would actually be starring in the video. We needed the following people;
  • 1 drummer
  • 2 guitarists
  • 1 singer
  • The main female character
  • The main male character
  • Barman

We then had to decide who would be best to use for each part;


For the drummer, we'll be using Jacob Cartledge from our group

Guitarist #1

For the first guitarist, we'll be using Tom Mpande

Guitarist #2
For the second guitarist, we'll be using Sam Harrington


For the singer, we'll be using Josh Stephenson

Female character

For the main female character, we'll be using Amy Bland

Male character

For main male character, we'll be using Jacob Cartledge from our group


For the barman, we'll be using myself

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