Friday 20 November 2009

Advert Research: Magazine Adverts

In order to create an effective magazine advert of our own, I first looked at a few existing examples to see what conventions we could follow and make our own advert as effective as it could be.

The adverts I chose to look at were;
  • Stereophonics
  • Razorlight
  • The Smiths

This advert is effective because;
  • It's simple but still attractive to the eye
  • It features the band members
  • The title of the album and the band name are very clear
  • I like how the mountains join into the white to form the main part of the advert
  • However, this advert doesn't show the release date, so I would assume it's already released

This advert is effective because;
  • It clearly states the band name and album name
  • Details that it's a new album
  • Shows the release date, website and other information all in one place so it's together and not all over the page
  • Uses only a few colours so it still looks attractive
  • Features members of the band
The Smiths

This advert is effective because;
  • It shows the band
  • Again uses only a few different colours which helps to keep it simple
  • Shows the band name and album name in different colours so they're easy to see
  • Maybe has a bit too much information on it to be as effective as it could have been
  • The release date is slightly drowned inside this additional information

Things we can take away to use in our own advert;
  • Show the members of the band
  • Clear release date
  • Only a few colours, not too vibrant
  • Both the band name and album name are important
  • Other information such as websites, songs included etc

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